Force? or Focus?
One of the greatest enjoyments of this season of life is grandchildren. Recently Ethel and I were recipients of coloring pages that were...

Difference as a Bridge
Here are some thoughts that have been running through my heart and mind as I've been processing life. As Christians, we respect...

Being Held
Today in a commute between school and home, I heard someone talking about the importance of parents holding their children. I forget all...

We Are Different!
It seems like we are living in a time when differences are perceived as negative. To say - We are different! - is a statement that will...

Disturb Us Oh Lord!
Life is a journey. This metaphor is a familiar one. Recently it has taken on new meaning as we faced changes to the normal routine of...

Artesian Well Gratitude
What is the basis of your gratitude? Why are you thankful? Sometimes it is easy to list the reasons why one is thankful. Sometimes it...

It seems like old words are taking on new meanings. Or perhaps there is greater significance of the meaning of the old words. One word...

COVID-19 and Easter
Ever since we started hearing about the Coronavirus, life as we knew it started to change. Over these weeks, we have been given the...

Two Questions
Last week as I was immersed with the ever changing news as the daily news briefings on the local, state, national and global levels gave...

Who Am I?
This question is like a door that opens one's heart to possibilities of growth. Recently I read the following words: “...Jesus taught...